My Valentine's weekend was truly indeed a remarkable one, if not totally surprising..
It wasn't a guy who asked me out.. it's my bestie galfriend whom I known from in the gym.. for more than half a year (since the breakup) she is whom I see on a weekly basis - the crazy stuffs we did in classes and gossips and bitch about men and all.. She's straight, for the record..
On Friday, she asked if I have any plans for Saturday, I said no, so she asked me to be her date! Here's the story.. her boss gave her a present and it's a dinner for two at Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur.. and of all dates, her boss has cheekily reserved for on 14 Feb 2015, since she have no one to go with, she asked me hahahaa.. we were expecting to be surrounded by lovey-dovey couples, apparently not! LOL...
It was actually also a "work assignment" as she has to write about it (she works for Malaysia Airlines), so I've been told our dinner are to be published somewhere in the Enrich magazine.. While we were dining, the banquet managers of Majestic Hotel told us that they will feature us..
As gentlemanly as I could be, I dressed up in decent casual outfit of jeans and long-sleeve checked shirt with a tie, and picked her up from her home.. When we arrived at the hotel, we were still very early as the banquet staff are still busy setting up the tables - not in the main restaurant or Colonial Cafe but in the Orchid Conservatory!
Apparently.. it costs RM1,160 for a table in Orchid Conservatory that night.. |
Looking gorgeous.. wefie while waiting for our table |
It was lovely.. I mean the setup and the flowers and we had a personal waiter and waitress at our disposal! I would have come to such a place with my (non-existent yet) boyfriend/hubby.. but I think dining with bff sometimes is better than the lover, thanks to the things that we bitched about the whole night...
In all the food that came, there's hint of hearts all around and both of us were giggling non-stop.. we could have hashtag
#wearenotcouple everywhere :)
One of the tables set-up |
Our table..
Utensils = outside to inside, finally can put to good use what knowledge we have |
I was looking at the orchids... and she snapped my photo.. |
My Bubbly and I ordered a white wine to go with my main course |
Appetiser: Confit of Duck |
Starter: Blue River prawn with avocado salad |
I have no idea what this is.. it wasn't on the menu |
Soup: Cream of Wild Mushroom |
Main Course: Roast Barramundi
(actually it's For Her, but since I cannot have beef, we switched) |
Dessert: Soft Chocolate Mousse with Melting Heart Spice Cake |
I can't help it but to destroy the heart..
and let it all oozzeeeee out..
Before dinner, I was still pretty much a good boy.. but once all the giggling and the alcohol, then yeah.. started to do funny things :)
Before dinner service, I was all-good boy... |
Selfie with food... |
But first let me take a selfie! |
Poor iPhone4S front camera quality! |
Can you resist such perfect lips? |
Kissing the bowl |
Love me love me say that you'll love me... |
Before we call it a night, I visited the washroom... oh my oh my...
Note: The quote was automatically added by PhotoGrid, the app that I use to do the photo collage for my
very apt I know.. LOL!!!!
So yea...
Good things are going to happen. I know. =)
On Sunday morning as I was lazing in bed facebooking, a friend texted me and ask me to wake up at once and go for lunch.. knowing that I will sleep in, I was like.. nuaaaaa...
but I said ok and immediately jumped out of bed and get ready.. cos he's someone I rarely see thanks to his oh-so-busy schedule (he's a well known musician btw) and in the 3 years friends with him, he has never asked me out like personally for meals or even drinks.. lol.. we only go out like in big group of friends... so I thought, if he asked means he's free! And it's so hard to see him also..
So we went out for lunch in Publika and while we ate, we caught up with our lives and all the while he's complaining he's fat, he was eating a huge ass big bowl of noodles! I gave him the roll-eyes look.. then he says he'll start going to the gym and ask me about gym stuffs and all - so much for someone who hates gym (but he's athletic and play other sports)..
After lunch, I ended up in the gym.. LOL..
So how was your Valentine's Day?