Tuesday 26 September 2023



Sometimes, what we want the world to see isn't who we really are.. 


Mirrors have always been a powerful symbol of self-reflection, but for us, they often play a unique and multifaceted role in our personal journey.. Beyond their ordinary function, mirrors become a canvas upon which self-identity, self-acceptance, and self-love are painted.. Sometimes our narcissism takes over too.. 

Do you remember what a mirror is to you? For us, the journey of self-discovery begins with a long, hard look in the mirror.. It's in that mirror that we start to recognise and accept our true selves.. some more easily than others, some never do, sadly..

The Closeted Reflection: In the early stages, the mirror often reflects a conflicted individual, struggling to reconcile our authentic identity with societal expectations.. It becomes a silent confidant, bearing witness to the hidden truths..

The Moment of Truth: There comes a pivotal moment when the mirror reflects courage, as we confront our true selves.. It's a transformative instant when we shed our own illusions and accept that we like to suck cock.. 

The Reflection of Acceptance

As acceptance grows, so does the relationship with the mirror.. It transforms into a symbol of self-acceptance, rather than a source of anxiety.. The mirror gradually reflects the confidence that comes with self-acceptance.. It's where we learn to love ourselves and embrace the uniqueness.. Mirrors then become a canvas for self-expression.. It's where we experiment with a lot of things - mind you, most of it quite sexually too - I DARE YOU TO DENY IT HAHAHAH!!!

The Reflection of Resilience

Mirrors also bear witness to the resilience that we develop over time.. 

Overcoming Stereotypes: Mirrors help us confront and shatter stereotypes imposed by society where we proudly defy conventional definitions of masculinity, embracing our own authentic masculinity, and identify as "out and loud".. this is when we are not afraid of who we are as a gay man..

Facing Discrimination: In the mirror, we see the reflection of those who has faced discrimination and prejudice with unwavering strength. It reminds us of our ability to persevere.. how many times have you been discriminated because of your sexual orientation, from family, friends, colleagues or general society at large? 

The Reflection of Pride

In time, mirrors become a symbol of pride and self-love.. 

The Prideful Reflection: As self-love deepens, the mirror reflects not just physical appearance but also the radiant glow of self-acceptance.. It becomes a source of pride and empowerment..

A Tool for Empowerment: Mirrors are used to amplify visibility and activism.. Some of us gay men like to leverage on our reflections to challenge societal norms and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.. But I for one, would rather live my life quietly.. In all fairness, I don't mind people knowing, but I really don't want to have it becoming a tool for certain people to politicise and take an extreme view of it, if you know what I mean.. 

Mirrors are more than just glass and reflections.. For us, they are witnesses to a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, resilience, and pride.. They reflect not only physical appearances but also the profound emotional and spiritual growth that accompanies the quest for authenticity.. As we continue to face the world with courage and self-love, our mirrors remain steadfast companions on our extraordinary journey of self-empowerment and self-expression.. Through the looking glass, we then now discover the truest reflection of ourselves —strong, resilient, and unapologetically proud..

And then the occasionally admiring our own bodies and then jerking ourselves off in front of the mirror..

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Legs day everyday

Most people don't do legs workout in the gym, especially those "big bodybuilders who tend to focus only top half of the body".. while there is nothing wrong, it's just a turn off.. I may admire you for your top half but as I scan your legs, I'll go like ugghhh eeww.. 

Chicken legs are a turn off, they are a disproportioned to the rest of the body.. But then, why most people don't do legs workout? 

Can someone share why? 

Should I wear tighter shorts?

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