(no, there was never an occasion of public wanking or masturbating in the room... we all knew to use the toilets...)
While in Cyberjaya, we rented condominiums beside the university.. for much of my time in Cyberjaya, I didn't have room mates and paid the rental for the whole room myself..
It was also during student days that I was robbed of my wallet by the room mate.. As there was no concrete proof (nobody saw, nobody was caught and there was no break-in), the police came and conducted investigation but couldn't arrest anyone.. and advised me to just report as "lost".. Because ironically, I have just collected the month's rental from everyone that very night to be banked-in to the landlord the next day, but I was wise enough not to put the cash in my wallet.. Went to bed, and the next morning, my wallet was gone, along with everything in it.. I suspected the "thief" knew I had with me lots of cash that night, only that he didn't know where it was..
Once I have my own place - people often ask me why don't I rent out the extra rooms I have.. The reason is simple - I AM DONE WITH SHARING MY LIVING SPACE WITH OTHERS! All the more my place is fully furnished and fully equipped with the things I want at home.. It's cosy enough that I usually just doze off on the couch, easier to fall asleep too!
(if you have stayed overnight with me, you will know how cosy it is my couch! Confirm can fall asleep one!)
I appreciate and look forward to each long day in peace and quiet times and slowly easing into lazy mode to bedtime.. Watching tv, snacking healthy snacks and drinking good stuffs.. that's all I need..