One more week before the end of the year.. what have you done for most of the year, other than duduk diam diam di rumah?
Still recovering from job loss, I have been out of income since the MCO, so don't come and pass judgements on me when I dug through every hole possible to get as much cold hard cash as I can from the government, including my own EPF money, to fund my survival..
Many of you are doing well throughout 2020, with little or no pay cut whatsoever and still have a job.. I had it all, from pay cut and job loss and all that.. So count yourself lucky ya..
My parents kept asking me to return to Penang and take over the family business alongside my cousins.. I am still reluctant even though I am a director there, which being a third-generation heir, I automatically have the right to inherit my parents' positions as my siblings have stated they are not keen.. But this is not something I am keen to do now.. I also don't know what I want to do if I do join the family business..
I have just started several companies with several others, and my responsibilities lies deep within these companies, being a shareholder as well as a director.. And since we have not had any revenue yet, the financials are tight and hence, the top managements forgo salaries, but we are still paying our staff their full time salaries and in full accordance to the law.. these are viable businesses, we just do not have enough salesforce to penetrate the market as fast as we envisioned..
Well, hopefully 2021 will be a better year.
With that, I shall end my 2020 here, with something for all you to ponder...